Embodied jewish prayer and ritual

Sing. Chant. Davven. English. Hebrew. No words. Let our voices open a portal to the mystery beyond thought, reason, or language. Ancient traditions, lifecycle rituals, and sacred blessings and melodies are gorgeous, and sometimes need reinvigorating to meet us in the moments we inhabit now. Please join me in song, in protest, in meditative chant, in marking birth, death, coming of age, marriage, covenant, uncoupling, loss, grief, and so many more moments that invite ritual, and beckon for meaning-making.

sing with me.

Ashrei. Happy are those who dwell in the divine house. Come dwell with me in the gorgeous swelling of Jewish music, communal connection and belonging, and meanining-making across time and space, with ancients, ancestors, and each other. Here is a taste of a melody for the traditional Ashrei prayer that I wrote, offered during a weekday shacharit service with dear friends at the Aleph Ordination Program.

Spiritual leadership with grounded depth

Shabbat morning services. High Holiday Services. Lifecycle rituals. Bonfire in the backyard. Questions about lineage, music, tradition, ritual. All of it is welcome. Let’s talk.